PI Physik Instrumente - Array Alignment ROS LB 8/24
quantum Dictionary Terms

Bose-Einstein condensate
A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter that forms at temperatures close to absolute zero. It is named after Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein, who independently predicted the existence of such a state in the 1920s. BEC is a...
attosecond-pump attosecond-probe spectroscopy
Attosecond-pump attosecond-probe spectroscopy (APAP) is an advanced technique in ultrafast spectroscopy that allows...
A boson is a type of fundamental particle that follows Bose-Einstein statistics, which dictate the statistical distribution...
vortex phase plate
A vortex phase plate is an optical device designed to impart a phase singularity, commonly referred to as a vortex or phase...
cryogenically cooled LWIR camera
A cryogenically cooled long-wave infrared (LWIR) camera is a specialized thermal imaging device designed to detect infrared...
Higgs boson
The Higgs boson is a fundamental particle associated with the Higgs field, a field that permeates the universe and is...
quantum photodetector
de Broglie wavelength
The concept of the de Broglie wavelength exploits the wave-particle duality of quantum physics by associating all matter (of...
superluminal transmission
Superluminal transmission refers to the hypothetical process of transmitting information faster than the speed of light,...
Optics is the branch of physics that studies the behavior and properties of light, including its interactions with matter...
A quantum of electromagnetic energy of a single mode; i.e., a single wavelength, direction and polarization. As a unit of...
A spaser (surface plasmon amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is a nanoscale device that generates coherent...
gamma ray
The spontaneous emittance of electromagnetic radiation by the nucleus of certain radioactive elements during their quantum...
Pauli exclusion principle
The number of electrons that can share a principal quantum number by preventing identity between any two electrons' four...
nonlinear crystal
A nonlinear crystal is a type of crystal that exhibits nonlinear optical properties when subjected to intense...
A fluorophore is a molecule or a portion of a molecule that has the ability to emit light upon excitation by an external...
An attoampere (aA) is a unit of electric current in the International System of Units (SI). It is equal to one quintillionth...
quantum dot thin films
Quantum dot thin films refer to thin layers or coatings composed of quantum dots deposited onto a substrate surface. Quantum...
quantum entanglement
Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two or more particles become correlated to such an extent...
A laser, which stands for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation," is a device that produces coherent and...
excitation energy
The difference between the energy of an atom in its ground state and that of the same atom in its excited (quantum) state.
The technology of generating and harnessing light and other forms of radiant energy whose quantum unit is the photon. The...
Fermi liquid state
The Fermi liquid state refers to a specific state of matter in quantum mechanics, particularly describing the behavior of...
optical gate
An optical gate typically refers to a device or system that controls the transmission of light, allowing it to pass through...
quantum detector
A photodetector in which an electrical charge is produced when incident photons change electrons within the detecting...
Diffraction is a fundamental wave phenomenon that occurs when a wave encounters an obstacle or aperture, causing the wave to...
Floquet Fermi liquid state
The Floquet Fermi liquid state refers to a concept in condensed matter physics that arises when a system is subjected to...
Nanophotonics is a branch of science and technology that explores the behavior of light on the nanometer scale, typically at...
A maser (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is a device that produces coherent electromagnetic...
Metaphotonics is an emerging field at the intersection of photonics, metamaterials, and nanotechnology. It involves the...
vibrational transition
A vibrational transition refers to a change in the vibrational energy of a molecule. Molecules consist of atoms that are...
quantum confinement
Quantum confinement refers to the phenomenon in quantum mechanics where the motion of charge carriers, such as electrons or...
nonlinear polarization
Nonlinear polarization refers to the phenomenon where the polarization of a material responds nonlinearly to an applied...
absorption peak
An absorption peak refers to a sharp increase or spike in the absorption of electromagnetic radiation at a particular...
optical parametric amplification
Optical parametric amplification (OPA) is a process in nonlinear optics where a weak signal beam is amplified by a much...
mid-infrared camera
A mid-infrared camera is a type of imaging device designed to capture images in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral range,...
The term quantum refers to the fundamental unit or discrete amount of a physical quantity involved in interactions at the...
An observed effect of the ability of certain atomic particles to pass through a barrier that they cannot pass over because...
A charged elementary particle of an atom; the term is most commonly used in reference to the negatively charged particle...
multiline laser system
A multiline laser system refers to a type of laser that is capable of emitting multiple discrete wavelengths or spectral...
differential quantum efficiency
The slope of the curve when output is plotted against input for quantum efficiency in a device.
quantum efficiency
Quantum efficiency (QE) is a measure of the effectiveness with which a device or system, typically in the context of...
electro-optic modulator
An electro-optic modulator (EOM) is a device used to modulate the amplitude, phase, or polarization of light waves using an...
single-molecule spectroscopy
An advanced technique that allows the detection of one molecule within a crystal or a cell through optical excitation....
APD detector
An APD detector, or avalanche photodiode detector, is a type of photodetector used to detect light or optical signals by...
cathode radiant sensitivity
Cathode radiant sensitivity refers to the ability of a photocathode to convert incident radiant energy, typically in the...
quantum dot light-emitting diode
Quantum dot light-emitting diode (QLED) is a display technology that utilizes quantum dots, which are semiconductor...
In photonics, a lattice refers to a periodic arrangement of optical elements or structures, often on a microscopic or...
laser cooling
Laser cooling is a technique used to reduce the temperature of a material or a collection of atoms or molecules by using...
ytterbium laser
A ytterbium laser is a type of solid-state laser that employs ytterbium ions (Yb³+) as the dopant in the gain medium....
Photoluminescence is a phenomenon in which a material absorbs photons (light) at one wavelength and then re-emits photons at...
A qubit, short for quantum bit, is the fundamental unit of information in quantum computing and quantum information...
intensified charge-coupled device camera
An intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD) camera is an advanced imaging device that combines the capabilities of both an...
Photocathodes are specialized materials or surfaces that exhibit the photoelectric effect, wherein the absorption of photons...
blue diode laser
A blue diode laser is a type of semiconductor laser that emits light in the blue wavelength range of the electromagnetic...
Rydberg atom
The term "Rydberg atom" refers to an atom in a highly excited state where one or more of its electrons are in a Rydberg...
spontaneous emission
Radiation emitted when a quantum mechanical system drops spontaneously from an excited level to a lower level. This...
quantum noise
Noise generated within an optical communications system link that has both internal (dark current) and external (background...
The technology that deals with the interaction of organic materials with light and other forms of radiant energy whose...
Sisyphus cooling
Sisyphus cooling is a technique used in atomic physics to achieve ultracold temperatures of atoms or molecules by exploiting...
quantum mechanics
The science of all complex elements of atomic and molecular spectra, and the interaction of radiation and matter.
quantum dots
A quantum dot is a nanoscale semiconductor structure, typically composed of materials like cadmium selenide or indium...
Floquet-Bloch oscillations
Floquet-Bloch oscillations refer to a phenomenon in condensed matter physics, specifically in the context of periodic...
GaN distributed feedback lasers
GaN (gallium nitride) distributed feedback (DFB) lasers refer to a specific type of semiconductor laser based on Gallium...
Planck's law
A fundamental law of quantum theory which states that the discrete quanta of energy transfers associated with...
A quasiparticle is an emergent phenomenon that occurs in many-body systems, particularly in condensed matter physics, where...
Casimir force
The Casimir force is a quantum phenomenon that results in an attractive force between two closely spaced uncharged...
superelastic collision
Observed phenomenon in laser pulses in which a large number of excited electrons are created and in which multiphoton...
responsive quantum efficiency
The number of electrons emitted per photon incident upon a photodetector.
chelate laser
A laser having a rare-earth chelate within a plastic host as the lasing material. The chelate laser is easily pumped and has...
A skyrmion is a topologically stable, vortex-like configuration of spins in a magnetic material. These configurations are...
cold atom
Cold atoms refer to atoms that have been cooled to extremely low temperatures, typically in the microkelvin (µK) to...
quantum sensing
Quantum sensing refers to a class of sensing technologies that leverage principles from quantum mechanics to enhance the...
Mach-Zehnder interferometer
A Mach-Zehnder interferometer is an optical device used to measure the phase difference between two collimated beams of...
back-illuminated CCD
A CCD that has been reduced in thickness by etching so that light passes through the back layers of the CCD. This type of...
Rabi oscillations
Rabi oscillations are a fundamental phenomenon in quantum mechanics that describe the periodic and reversible exchange of...
self-electro-optic effect device
An optically bistable device used for photonic switching, constructed of a multiple quantum well biased by an external...
wave function
In quantum mechanics, a wave function (often denoted by the Greek letter Ψ, psi) is a mathematical description that...
integrated photonics
Integrated photonics is a field of study and technology that involves the integration of optical components, such as lasers,...
quantum key distribution
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a method of secure communication that utilizes principles from quantum mechanics to...
Schrödinger's cat
Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment devised by the physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935 to illustrate the...
quantum-limited operation
Operation in which the minimum detectable signal is set because of variations in the average signal current; e.g., quantum...
A magnon is a quasiparticle representing a quantized spin wave in a magnetic material. In other words, it is a collective...
colloidal quantum dots
Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) are nanometer-sized semiconductor particles that are dispersed in a colloidal solution. These...
microbubble resonator
A microbubble resonator is a device used in photonics and optical physics for the precise manipulation of light waves. It...
quantum cascade laser
A quantum cascade laser (QCL) is a type of semiconductor laser that operates based on the principles of quantum mechanics....
Agri-photonics refers to the application of photonics technologies in agriculture. Photonics involves the generation,...
quantum optics
The area of optics in which quantum theory is used to describe light in discrete units or "quanta" of energy known as...
color center
A color center, in the context of materials science and condensed matter physics, refers to a specific type of...
interband cascade laser
An interband cascade laser (ICL) is a type of semiconductor laser that operates based on interband transitions between...
nonlinear optical materials
Nonlinear optical materials are substances that exhibit optical properties that are not linearly proportional to the...
quantum-ehanced metrology
Quantum-enhanced metrology refers to the use of quantum mechanics principles and techniques to enhance the precision and...
The process whereby a quantum mechanical system alters from one energy level to another. During this process, energy is...
optical clock
An optical clock is a highly precise and advanced timekeeping device that relies on the oscillations of electromagnetic...
detective quantum efficiency
The square of the ratio of the measured detectivity to the theoretical maximum detectivity.
light quantum
The individual coherent series of lightwaves that defines a quantum of radiant energy. Light quantum is equal to hv, h being...
1. The process by which an atom acquires energy sufficient to raise it to a quantum state higher than its ground state. 2....
hydrogenated amorphous silicon
A photoreceptor material used in solar cells and in drums for laser printers and high-speed copiers because of its high...
Planck's constant
The universal constant h that has a value of 6.6260693 x 10-34 Js. A quantum of energy is equal to the product of the...
spin-flip Raman laser
A semiconductor laser that operates in the infrared and that is pumped with strong pulses of radiation from a second laser....
photonic integrated circuit
A photonic integrated circuit (PIC) is a compact and integrated device that incorporates multiple photonic components and...
phase mask
In optics and photolithography, a phase mask refers to a device that modifies the phase of light waves passing through it....
quantum wire
A narrow channel created by cleaving a crystal made of alternating layers of gallium arsenide and aluminum gallium arsenide,...
Deslandres diagram
A diagram in which the variable frequencies of a spectral band system are plotted corresponding to ascending values of the...
A phonon is a quantum of vibrational energy associated with the periodic motion of atoms or molecules in a crystalline...
terahertz spectrometer
A terahertz spectrometer is a scientific instrument used to measure and analyze the properties of materials in the terahertz...
single-photon avalanche diode
A single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) is a specialized type of photodetector designed to detect extremely weak optical...
Biberman factor
Mathematical compensation for the nonhydrogenic behavior of recombination radiation levels of gases, based on the quantum...
quantum well
A quantum well is a structure in quantum mechanics that confines particles, such as electrons or holes, in one spatial...
quantum repeater
A quantum repeater is a crucial component in quantum communication networks, designed to extend the range over which quantum...
nitrogen vacancy
A nitrogen vacancy (NV) refers to a specific type of defect or impurity in a crystal lattice where a nitrogen atom replaces...
correspondence theory
Bohr's formulation that every new theoretical principle must correspond to the salient classical predecessor. The principle...
scientific complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
Scientific complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (sCMOS) refers to a type of image sensor technology specifically designed...

(113 results found)
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