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Balluff Acquires Matrix Vision, Manufacturer of Image Processing Components

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NEUHAUSEN AUF DEN FILDERN, Germany, Oct. 6, 2017 — Image processing component manufacturer Matrix Vision GmbH has been acquired by sensor and automation provider Balluff Inc. L to R: Michael Unger, Florian Hermle, Katrin Stegmaier-Hermle, Uwe Furtner, Erhard Meier, Gerhard Thullner and Werner Armingeon. Courtesy of Matrix Vision. "In the future, our product portfolio will complement the range of the Balluff Group in a field in which Balluff has played a relatively small role till now: machine vision,” said Uwe Furtner, technical director of Matrix Vision. Matrix Vision, with its 100 employees, will still operate...Read full article

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    Published: October 2017
    Matrix VisionBalluffmergers & acquisitionsImagingsensing and detectingautomationEuropeBusiness

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