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Sign In - June 2008
Research & Technology
UIowa to Assess Lab Damage
It will be months before the full extent of flood damage sustained by the Iowa Advanced Technology Laboratories (IATL) is known, a University of Iowa official said Wednesday. The facility remains...
Elbit Systems, Technion Partner on Eye-Tracking Research
Defense electronics company Elbit Systems Ltd. of Haifa, Israel, and the Haifa-based Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) have signed a joint vision systems research agreement, under which Elbit...
News & Features
Crystals Key to Cloaking
Concentric rings of silicon photonic crystals have, in computer simulations, demonstrated an approximate cloaking effect, bringing scientists a step closer to making optical cloaking -- invisibility -- more practical. "This is much more than a theoretical exercise," said Harley Johnson, a Cannon Faculty Scholar and professor of mechanical science and engineering at the University of Illinois. "An...
Arrested Rainbow
Working on the nanoscale, researchers at Lehigh University, have found a way to control the rate at which light from across the spectrum moves through optical circuits. The challenge for this group...
Agilent Buys Nano Instruments
Measurement company Agilent Technologies Inc. announced today it has acquired the Nano Instruments business unit of MTS Systems Corp for an undisclosed amount to strengthen its nanomeasurement...
StockerYale Begins Takeover
With Virtek Vision International Inc.’s largest shareholder on its side, StockerYale Inc. today announced it is beginning a cash takeover bid for the Waterloo, Ontario-based maker of laser...
Photodiodes Spy Anthrax
Thanks to a group of researchers at Georgia Tech, the U.S. military’s pressing requirements for compact, reliable and cost-effective sensors for detecting anthrax and other bioterrorism agents could...
Hybrid Atom Identified
Experiments with nanoscale transistors by an international team have led to the identification of a hybrid atom that is half natural, half man-made and could be used to develop quantum computers....
Orbotech Buying Calif. Firm
Israel-based Orbotech Ltd. will acquire Photon Dynamics of San Jose, a maker of test and repair systems for the liquid crystal (LCD) flat panel display industry, in a cash deal worth about $290...
Fiber Optics in Fashion
With 15,000 individually addressable optical fibers totaling more than 40 miles in combined length, the interactive art installation, called the Cloud, was quite a spectacle at this year’s Pitti Uomo...
Make Like a Plant
Guess you could say that researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have themselves a bit of plant envy. This particular group of researchers is focused on harnessing energy...
Laser Microscalpel Created
Femtosecond lasers have just become more accurate and versatile, thanks to Adela Ben-Yakar, mechanical engineering assistant professor at The University of Texas at Austin. By nature, Femtosecond...
Solar Research Tops Agenda
The latest research, technologies and applications in solar and alternative energies, nanotechnology, organic LEDs, optical design and remote sensing will be discussed at SPIE Optics+Photonics 2008,...
First Excitonic ICs Built
Physicists have assembled the first integrated circuits (ICs) that use excitons -- particles that emit a flash of light as they decay -- instead of electrons to ferry signals. These exciton-based...
Patterns Classify Cancer
Long has “nature versus nurture” been a convenient catchphrase to describe what determines or causes individual differences in physical and behavioral traits. Now, nature and nurture have both found...
Credence, LTX to Merge
Chip testing equipment makers Credence Systems Corp. and LTX Corp. will merge in an all-stock transaction reportedly worth more than $176 million. Under the terms of the agreement, announced by...
Lighting Up Life on Mars
A method to identify organic matter in soils with ultraviolet (UV) light could be used to document the existence of life on Mars. A team of scientists from the US and the UK have reported a...
'Clutch' Stops Flagella
The flagellum -- a rotating, tail-like structure that makes a bacterium swim, is powered by a molecular engine at its base. But what makes it stop? Answer: It uses its clutch. A tiny but...
Micromagnets for MRIs
MRIs are coming to you live and in color. Thanks to tiny magnets that could one day be injected into the body, MRIs will be able to provide enhanced sensitivity, more information and color to a...
Light Creates Tiny Patterns
The old trick, practiced by schoolboys everywhere, of concentrating a beam of sunlight through a magnifying lens to ignite paper -- or an unfortunate ant -- has been given a new twist. By using a...
UIowa to Assess Lab Damage
It will be months before the full extent of flood damage sustained by the Iowa Advanced Technology Laboratories (IATL) is known, a University of Iowa official said Wednesday. The facility remains...
A Worm of a Different Color
A mutant worm changes color when it moves as the result of an optical sensor called stFRET. The sensor is composed of a pair of fluorescent molecules connected by a molecular spring that is inserted...
Mass. Biotech Bill Signed
A $1 billion, 10-year plan to boost Massachusetts’ position in the life sciences was signed by Gov. Deval Patrick, joined by Senate President Therese Murray and Speaker of the House Salvatore...
Tangible Music Interface
No strings attached. Actually, no buttons, no switches and no keys either. A musical instrument that relies solely on digital image processing, the Reactable offers interaction between the musician...
Light 'Cooks' Cancer Cells
A new way to kill cancer cells has been found by attaching cancer-seeking antibodies to tiny carbon tubes that heat up when exposed to near-infrared light. Biomedical scientists at the University...
A Controllable Camera Pill
Pills containing tiny cameras pass through the esophagus in as little three seconds, not long enough to provide useful data. But now researchers have devised a camera pill that can be stopped and...
StockerYale Talks Takeover
Despite Virtek Vision International Inc.’s rejection of its $22 million buyout offer, StockerYale said today it still hopes to reach an agreement with the company but will also seek to acquire...
Sandstone to Stop Imports
A US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning has prompted, in part, a small Alabama laser company to expand its US manufacturing operations. Sandstone Medical Technologies LLC, a...
Listening to Black Holes
Can you hear black holes collide? That question, among others, will be explored at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, to be held June 30 to July 3 at the Royal Society facilities in London....
Sony & Cognex Join Forces
At this year’s Vision Show East, Sony Electronics announced that Cognex will certify its forthcoming VisionPro software release to operate on Sony’s current line up of Smart Cameras. Combining...
Seeing is Believing
Claiming its biggest show in 10 years, the 2008 Vision Show East entertained an enthusiastic crowd with hot new technology and perfect weather. This year’s show was held at Boston's Hynes...
Quantum Images Easily Made
A simple and flexible method for creating twin light beams has been used to produce quantum images, visual patterns with features linked by the laws of quantum physics. The method could help with the...
Tiny Blinds Bend Beams
A new way of bending x-ray beams could lead to greatly improved space telescopes, as well as new tools for biology and semiconductor chip manufacturing. X-rays from space provide astronomers with...
NRC Probes Cracked Vial
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission is investigating a reported incident in which a cracked vial holding a small plutonium sample was discovered by researchers in a lab at the Commerce Department's...
Plasma Propels 'Flying Saucer'
A patent application submitted for a wingless, circular, spinning aircraft design could make science fiction's "flying saucers" a reality, but its creator cautions that significant obstacles need to...
Hologic Acquiring Third Wave
Medical imaging systems maker Hologic Inc. announced it will acquire Third Wave Technologies Inc. for $11.25 per share, or approximately $580 million. Madison, Wis.-based Third Wave develops...
ACT Will Ban Laser Pointers
The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government will ban high-powered laser pointers under the Prohibited Weapons Act of 1996, Minister for Police and Emergency Services Simon Corbell announced...
Genzel Wins $1M Shaw Prize
The leader of an international team that showed the Milky Way galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center has been awarded the $1 million Shaw Prize in Astronomy. Reinhard Genzel, director...
Conjuring Robert Koch
Today, one in three persons is infected with the tuberculosis pathogen, and the World Heath Organization (WHO) estimates that there will be 30 million deaths caused by tuberculosis in the next year,...
MEMS Muscle Awarded
A mechanical micromuscle with nanoscopic movements and a microcreep-and-stress tester, both designed by students, were the big winners in Sandia National Laboratories’ fourth annual University...
“Bow Tie” Enhances EUV
According to KAIST reseachers in Korea, a bow tie-shaped gold nanostructure on a saphire substrate can enhance the intensity of femtosecond laser light pulses by two orders of magnitude. The...
Sizing Up Graphene
The extraordinary properties of graphene have reportedly been measured with an accuracy never before achieved, confirming many of its strangest features but revealing significant departures from...
Infrared Galactic Portrait
It’s the Milky Way like you’ve never seen it before – in infrared. Thanks to the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE) team captured...
Sensors Supply Power
A miniature conveyor system that uses wireless sensors with their own power supply could provide a long-awaited solution to assembly snafus. When a machine breaks down, production often comes to...
Photline and AdLightec Merge
Photline Technologies, a supplier of optical modulation products, announced it has merged with French startup AdLightec, a supplier of high-speed electronic modules. The new company will operate as...
Room-Temperature SCs?
Newly discovered iron-based high-temperature superconductors could pave the way for the development of superconductors that can operate at room temperature. "If superconductors could exist at room...
Solid-State Laser Milestone
Boeing has just set a record – the company’s new thin-disk laser system has achieved the highest known simultaneous beam quality, power, and run time for any solid-state laser to date. At the...
Moon Mirrors Imagined
An innovative recipe for giant telescope mirrors on the moon has been concocted by scientists working at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. To make a mirror that dwarfs anything...
TEGs Could Cool Gas Use
Thermoelectric materials, modules and systems to harness the residual heat in automobiles and increase their efficiency -- by as much as 7 percent -- are being developed at Fraunhofer Institute for...
Partnership for Live-cell Research
Nikon Instruments and Northwestern University are opening a collaborative core microscopy imaging center that will improve research capabilities at the University while providing Nikon with critical...
Lasers Make Nanostructures
A single laser pulse can reportedly create complex, ordered nanostructure systems, a previously unobserved phenomenon. Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) researchers said they...
Moving EUVL From Lab to Fab
More than 100 leading lithographers will meet in Maui next week to begin developing a plan to speed the introduction of extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) into high-volume semiconductor...
Thermo Buys Chemito Tech
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. announced Monday it has acquired the Analytical Technologies and Environment Instrumentation divisions of Chemito Technologies Pvt. Ltd., based in Mumbai, India. Terms...
Material Superabsorbs Light
A metamaterial has been engineered that is capable of absorbing essentially all of the light that hits it.Using standard optical lithography techniques, a team from Boston College in Chestnut Hill...
Cell Invasion on Agenda
The cellular aspects of infection, including cell invasion and host-pathogen interactions, will be the topic of a one-day meeting to be co-sponsored by the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS) and the...
Firefly Gene Lights Cells
The gene that allows fireflies to flash is helping researchers track the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs over time. University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center researchers are among...
Flip-Spin Flop Yields Tool
An attempt to flip the spin of electrons using ultrafast laser bursts may have failed, but in the process researchers found a way to manipulate and control electron spin -- knowledge that may prove...
Orbotech Buying Calif. Firm
Israel-based Orbotech Ltd. will acquire Photon Dynamics of San Jose, a maker of test and repair systems for the liquid crystal (LCD) flat panel display industry, in a cash deal worth about $290...
StockerYale Talks Takeover
Despite Virtek Vision International Inc.’s rejection of its $22 million buyout offer, StockerYale said today it still hopes to reach an agreement with the company but will also seek to acquire...
Portable Fiber Laser System
STONEHAM, Mass., June 30, 2008 – GnW International has developed a portable and versatile Ytterbium fiber laser system that is ideal for marking, engraving, drilling and micro-processing applications. The OFB-20 is designed for use...
GNW International LLC
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Ultrabright White LED
MELAKA, Malaysia, June 27, 2008 – Dominant Semiconductors has announced their new ultrabright white LED. This long-lasting LED is part of the DomiLED product range (DDW-PJG). With an operating current of only 20 mA, it achieves...
DOMINANT Opto Technologies
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Little Excimer, Big Power
EDINBURGH, England, June 26, 2008 – And in this corner, weighing in at only 14kg, measuring 47 x 25 x 25cm and supplying up to 7.5W at 248nm and 3.5W at 193nm, is Gam Laser’s new EX5 mini excimer laser. Distributed by Photonic...
GAM Laser Inc.
Hands-free Red Laser
SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 25, 2008 – Coherent has introduced the Cube 640 Diode Laser System, which delivers 20 mW of output at 640 nm from a pigtailed fiber optic cable. The Cube 640 is a hands-free system that never requires...
Coherent Inc.
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Fixed Focal Length SWIR Lenses
ROCHESTER, N.Y., June 25, 2008 – Navitar has unveiled its newest group of lenses for their short wave infrared (SWIR) cameras. These fixed focal length lenses include two 25mm designs, a 35 mm and a 50 mm design. SWIR imaging...
Navitar Inc.
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Solar Simulator
WILMINGTON, Mass., June 24, 2008 -- Xenon Corp. has designed custom flashlamps that provide true simulated sunlight for photovoltaic cell and solar module testing. These flashlamps are designed to deliver optimum lighting and are...
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Si Photodiode-Preamplifier
NEWBURY PARK, Calif., June 23, 2008 -- Opto Diode Corp. said its new 5-mm² photodiode-preamplifier, ODA-5WB-100K, is the first of three new products in its series of blue/green-enhanced devices. The new silicon detector-preamp...
Opto Diode Corporation
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Digital Dashboard
LAS VEGAS, N.V., June 18, 2008 – Osram Opto Semiconductors and Digital Dash announced at this year’s InfoComm that they will collaborate to produce a new reconfigurable control and display interface called The Digital Dash...
Osram Opto Semiconductors Inc.
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Galvo Mirror Coatings
SAN CLEMENTE, Calif., June 17, 2008 – Reynard Corporation has announced new high precision military coatings for Galvanometer (Galvo) mirrors. These mirrors are used in various laser system applications such as scanners, bar code...
Reynard Corporation
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336nm DPSS Laser
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 16, 2008 -- Zecotek Photonics Inc. said its new solid-state 336-nm DPSS (diode-pumped solid-state) laser is designed to replace nitrogen gas lasers currently used in a wide range of mass spectrometry...
Zecotek Photonics Inc.
PhaseCam NIR Interferometers
TUCSON, Ariz., June 16, 2008 -- 4D Technology Corp.'s new series of PhaseCam laser interferometers are designed for accurate surface and wavefront measurements at wavelengths of 1.053, 1.064, 1.3 and 1.55 µm. PhaseCam laser...
4D Technology Corp.
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HB-Diode Laser System
SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 13, 2008 -- Coherent Inc. said its latest turnkey diode laser system offers higher output power and brightness than its previous systems. Coherent's HB (high brightness) -diode system delivers 75 W of power...
Coherent Inc.
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IR Revolution 360° Camera
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 13, 2008 -- HGH Infrared Systems said its IR Revolution 360 is the industry’s first 360° line-scan panoramic infrared (IR) camera and marks HGH's entry into the US security and surveillance market. The IR...
HGH Infrared Systems
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Enhanced Spot Diagram
PASADENA, Calif., June 10, 2008 -- Optical Research Associates (ORA) has released the latest version of Code V optical design software that enhances the Geometric Spot Diagram feature, which offers designers greater ease of use and...
Synopsys Inc., Optical Solutions Group
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NIR/SWIR Camera for UAVs
PRINCETON, NJ, JUNE 10, 2008 – According to Sensors Unlimited, the new KTX and KTSX NIR/SWIR cameras can see light wavelengths from 0.7 to 1.7 microns. Traditionally, night vision cameras can detect wavelengths up to roughly 1.0...
Sensors Unlimited Inc.
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4D Surface Visualization
BESANCON, France, June 5, 2008 – Digital Surf has created a new 4D software module that allows for metrological analysis of the evolution of a 3D surface in a 4th dimension. Mountains Technology Version 5 offers topographical...
Digital Surf
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Measuring Optical Decay Time
SUNNYVALE, Calif., June 4, 2008 – Picarro, Inc. said its new G1104 H2S analyzer for monitoring trace levels of H2S (hydrogen sulfide) in ambient air, has a lower detection limit of 1 ppbv (parts per billion), which is an order of...
Picarro Inc.
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The Two-headed Camera
SAN DIEGO, Calif., June 3, 2008 – Photron has introduced their Fastcam MC2, a new high speed video imaging system that incorporates two small (35mm x 35mm x 35mm) and lightweight (3.2 oz) camera heads. According to Photron, the...
Photron USA Inc.
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Illuminated Telecentric Lenses
BARRINGTON, N.J., June 3, 2008 -- Edmund Optics Inc. said its new in-line illumination telecentric lenses offer long working distances and a port for a fiber illuminator, providing tools for difficult machine-vision challenges that...
Edmund Optics
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AFM for Nanoscale Imaging
PLAINVIEW, N.Y., June 2, 2008 – Veeco has announced a new atomic force microscope (AFM) technique for high-resolution nanoscale imaging and analysis. The HarmoniX nanoscale material property mapping enables AFM users to...
Veeco Instruments Inc.
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5-mm Round Through-Hole LEDs
MELAKA, Malaysia, June 2, 2008 -- Malaysia-based Dominant Semiconductors is offering a series of through-hole LEDs in a 5-mm round package for use in solid-state lighting and illumination applications. The company said the LEDs were...
DOMINANT Opto Technologies
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Inspector Vision Sensor
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., June 2, 2008 -- Sick Inc.'s new Inspector vision sensor can verify completeness and quality on a production line, regardless of product angle, orientation or size differences, allowing up to a 20-percent...
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