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336nm DPSS Laser

Zecotek Photonics Inc.
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For Mass Spectrometry
Zecotek Photonics Inc. said its new solid-state 336-nm DPSS (diode-pumped solid-state) laser is designed to replace nitrogen gas lasers currently used in a wide range of mass spectrometry applications.

Zecotek said its 336nm DPSS laser offers both better performance and longer lifetime than existing lasers used in mass spectrometry based on the Maldi-TOF (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight) technique.

Maldi-TOF mass spectrometry is rapidly becoming the most widely used tool at the forefront of biomolecular analysis and is also an important tool in quality control, due in part to its high throughput capabilities and ease of automation, the company said.

"We have an opportunity to meet the growing demand of Maldi-TOF laser systems," said A.F. Zerrouk, PhD, chairman, president, and CEO of Zecotek. "Our 336-nm DPSS laser has been specifically designed to replace the cumbersome and shorter life-span nitrogen gas lasers used in legacy systems. Zecotek is in the position to offer a major component to OEMs for their new generation Maldi-TOF systems."

The solid-state 336-nm DPSS laser program is based in the company's Singapore labs and patent applications are being prepared, Zecotek said. The first laser will be available for customer sampling by the end of August. The first small-volume production will be done at Zecotek's facilities and small quantity orders of the laser will be fulfilled beginning in October. Product ramp-up will be transferred to Fujikura Ltd. for mass production, the company said.

For more information, visit:; e-mail: [email protected]

Zecotek Photonics Inc.
Suite 408-6190 Agronomy Rd.
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z3 Canada
Phone: (604) 827-5212
Fax: (604) 827-5214

Published: June 2008
biomolecularBiophotonicsDPSSDPSS lasersFujikuraMaldi-Tofmass spectrometrynanophotonicsProductssolid-statespectroscopyZecotek PhotonicsZerroukLasers

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