First Light Imaging SAS says one of its IR cameras has achieved a world record by capturing 3,507 full-frame images per second with subelectron readout noise. An e-avalanche photodiode sensor allows noise-free signal multiplication, while a high-reliability pulse-tube cooler allows the device to be completely autonomous without requiring complex cryogenics instrumentation. The fully integrated system can operate in extreme environmental conditions, requiring simple electric power supply and water cooling. IR wavelength coverage is featured from 0.8 to 2.5 μm. The camera, called C-RED, is set to be commercialized by 2016. The company announced the results at the Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes international conference in Lake Arrowhead, Calif. Founded in 2011, First Light Imaging designs and manufactures scientific cameras and has been funded by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Public Investment Bank.