Built in response to the need in microelectronics and industrial manufacturing to process materials with smaller features, tighter tolerances and higher speeds, the Hippo (high-intensity peak-power oscillator) has a compact optical cavity that uses high-gain Nd:YVO4 and that is end-pumped by two Prolite 40-W FCbar modules. This Q-switched device made by Spectra-Physics of Mountain View, Calif., produces short-pulsed, high-peak-power output at repetition rates that exceed 200 kHz for high-speed processing and throughput.The company says the laser provides high beam quality (M2 The laser's 1064-nm output can be frequency-doubled to 532 nm, -tripled to 355 nm and -quadrupled to 266 nm using prealigned harmonic modules that can be easily replaced or removed in the field. This benefits systems integrators by allowing them access to four wavelengths from a single system for optimal processing of different materials. The modules are designed for thousands of hours of operation, even in the deep-UV.