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Photoacoustic Imaging Uses LED Light to Guide Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy

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Short light pulses from LED arrays propagate in tissue and are absorbed in blood, resulting in thermoelastic expansion that produces acoustic signals corresponding to disease characteristics.

Mithun Kuniyil Ajith Singh and Naoto Sato, CYBERDYNE Inc.

Efficient medical imaging techniques such as photoacoustic imaging help to accurately detect diseases as early as possible, resulting in timely intervention and reducing the need for medication and surgery. Conventionally used medical imaging techniques — such as ultrasound imaging, x-ray computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET) — are rooted in different physics and contrast mechanisms. And their installation and operation expenses, as well as their sensitivities for various clinical applications, also differ. Beyond the...Read full article

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    Published: June 2022
    photoacoustic imaging
    Abbreviated PAI. An imaging modality with a hybrid technique based on the acoustic detection of optical absorption from endogenous chromophores or exogenous contrast agents. Light is absorbed by the chromophores and converted into transient heating, and through thermoelastic expansion there is a resulting emission of ultrasonic waves. In tissue, ultrasound scatters less than light, therefore PAI generates high-resolution images in the diffusive and optical ballistic regimes compared to purely...
    Featuresphotoacoustic imagingLEDsultrasoundchromophoreshypervascularizationpulse laserssolid-state devicesPre-Xion Corp.hypoxiaoxygen saturationImaging

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