NORTHVALE, N.J., Oct. 3 -- Photonic Products Group Inc. announced that its Inrad business unit, which specializes in crystal-based optical components and devices, laser accessories and instruments, has been awarded a series of follow-on production contracts in recent months from ATK Missile Systems' Clearwater, Fla., facility for over 5500 of two types of ultraviolet (UV) waveband optical filter elements for their upgraded AN/AAR-47 missile warning systems. According to PPG, the filters are specialty optical components made from high-purity and high-uniformity single crystals of a proprietary material which absorbs all wavelengths except those in the UV region of the electromagnetic spectrum. These synthetic single crystals are key optical components of airborne electro-optical missile warning sensors. ATK Missile Systems, a division of Alliant Techsystems, is the developer and prime contractor for production of this warning system for protection of low and slow-flying aircraft from a variety of missiles. In low-rate production since 2002 and in high-rate production at present, these components will be incorporated into systems for US Navy, US Air Force and US allies' aircraft. The dollar value of the contract was not disclosed. For more information, visit: