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Photonics Components Testing

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Yelo Limited
Yelo Limited - Carrickfergus, United Kingdom
Yelo designs and builds burn-in, life-test and characterization systems for probed devices such as VCSEL arrays, laser arrays, APDs, chip-on carrier devices including photonics integrated circuits (lasers, amplifiers, modulators, photodiodes, thermistors), SOAs, laser arrays, PIN photodiodes, VCSEL TO headers, miniDILs, and butterfly packages.
3 products
  • photonics The technology of generating and harnessing light and other forms of radiant energy whose quantum unit is the photon. The science includes light emission, transmission, deflection, amplification and detection by optical components and instruments,...
Photonics Components Testing Suppliersphotonics components testingtesting photonic componentstestingtesting servicestest photonic componentsphotonics componentsradiant energylaserslight sourcesfiber opticselectro-optical instrumentationelectronicsphotonicphotonicsanalysistest & measurement

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