French chemical group PCAS (Produits Chimiques et Auxiliaires de Synthèse) will invest $8 million to increase its manufacturing capacities for electronic polymers and chemicals. PCAS invests $8 million dedicated to photolithography polymers and chemicals and the emerging OLED, Organic Photovoltaic (OPV), Organic Field Effect Transistors (O-FET), and sensors technologies. Courtesy of PCAS. The investment will focus on the company’s Canadian plant in Saint-Jean, Quebec, and its production of low-metal polymers and complex chemicals for integrated photolithography circuits and organic electronics. Emphasis will be placed upon the development of emerging organic LEDs, organic photovoltaics, organic field effect transistors, sensor technologies and photolithography polymers and chemicals. PCAS will also use this investment to increase capacity in liquid and solid filtration through its Normandy facility. PCAS is a technology-oriented fine chemical group serving the industrial field.