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News Briefs (March 14, 2006)

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Headwall Photonics of Fitchburg, Mass., announced that its Raman Explorer OEM product was selected by Hamilton Sundstrand’s Applied Instrument Technologies (HS-AIT) group in Pomona, Calif., for use with the company’s new line of process analyzers. Using Headwall’s Raman Explorer as the spectral engine, the companies said HS-AIT has established new performance capabilities for in-line and at-line process monitoring instruments within the refining, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries.    . . .    Novalux Inc. of Sunnyvale, Calif., a developer of Novalux...Read full article

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    Published: March 2006
    3LCDcardiacenergyEpsonExcelartExplorerHamilton SundstrandHeadwall PhotonicsHS-AITImagingmagneticmedicalMRANecselNews BriefsNovaluxPhotonics Tech BriefsprojectorsRamanRGBSeikoVantage

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