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Ultraviolet Microscopes

An ultraviolet microscope is a microscope used either to detect selective absorption of various wavelengths by the specimen or to achieve increased resolution by virtue of the short wavelength of ultraviolet radiation. Electron microscopy has replaced practically all ultraviolet microscopy.

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Fairchild Imaging Inc.
Fairchild Imaging Inc. - San Jose, CA
Designer and manufacturer of low-light, sCMOS, and x-ray sensor designs. We specialize in design, development, and manufacture of high-performance image sensors for defense, security and surveillance, space, scientific; medical, dental, veterinary x-ray; industrial, and pro-video markets.
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10 products
  • ultraviolet That invisible region of the spectrum just beyond the violet end of the visible region. Wavelengths range from 1 to 400 nm.
  • ultraviolet lens A microscope used either to detect selective absorption of various wavelengths by the specimen or to achieve increased resolution by virtue of the short wavelength of ultraviolet radiation. Electron microscopy has replaced practically all...
Ultraviolet Microscopes SuppliersUVinvisiblewavelengthultraviolet radiationUV microscopyimagingabsorptionramanmicro scopemicroscopyopticstest & measurement

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