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Diamonds Aren’t Forever

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SYDNEY, Australia, July 18, 2011 — Diamond may be the hardest naturally occurring material on Earth, but admire a sparkler in unfiltered sunlight, and it will start shedding atoms. The discovery shows that diamond can be etched gently instead of through the more damaging process of laser ablation for use in high-performance lasers and more efficient optical devices. “Although this type of light-induced evaporation has been observed in some materials, this is the first time it’s been shown to occur for diamond,” said Richard Mildren, associate professor at Macquarie University Photonics Research Center....Read full article

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    Published: July 2011
    Asia-PacificAustraliaCommunicationsdiamondsDiamonds Arent ForeverFiltershigh-performance lasersLight Sourceslight-induced evaporationMacquarie UniversityMacquarie University Photonics Research CenterOpticsozone layerquantum computingResearch & TechnologyRichard Mildrenultraviolet raysunfiltered sunlightUV-C lightLasers

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