DATA TABLES: OPTICAL THIN-FILM MATERIALS Identification Physical Parameters Material Name Material Formula Transparent Region(µm) (see note a) Index at Wavelength (µm) (see note b) Method/ Holder Evap. Temp. °C) (see note c) OXIDES Aluminum Oxide Al2O3 0.2 - 8 1.65, (0.50) 1.60, (1.00) E-beam W 2100 Chromium Oxide Cr2O3 0.6 - >5 2.20, (>0.8) E-beam Mo 2000 Hafnium Dioxide HfO2 0.25 - 11 2.05, (0.30) 1.98, (0.40) 1.95, (0.50) 1.92, (0.7 - 1.5) E-beam Mo 2500 Indium Oxide In2O3 0.4 - 9 2.05, (0.50) Resistance Alumina 600 Indium-Tin Oxide ITO 0.4 - 2 2.05, (0.50) 1.45, (1.00) Resistance Alumina 600 Niobium Pentoxide Nb2O5 0.45 - >5 2.35, (0.45) 2.28, (0.50) 2.22, (0.60) 2.17, (1.00) E-beam Ta 1400 Praseodymium Oxide Pr2O3 0.3 - 8 1.84, (0.40) 1.78, (0.50) 1.75, (0.7 - 2) E-beam Graphite 1900 Scandium Oxide Sc2O3 0.3 - 12 1.92, (0.40) 1.89, (0.55) 1.86, (0.9 - 2) E-beam Graphite 2400 Silicon Dioxide SiO2 0.2 - 7 1.52, (0.30) 1.49, (0.40) 1.46, (0.55) 1.44, (1.00) E-beam Alumina, Graphite 1600 Silicon Monoxide SiO 0.45 - 8 1.90, (0.50) 1.85, (1.00) 1.83, (4.00) Resistance W, Ta, Mo 1100 Tantalum Pentoxide Ta2O5 0.35 - 10 2.40, (0.30) 2.09, (0.55 - 2) E-beam Ta, Graphite 2100 Tatanium Dioxide Ti3O5 starting material TiO2 0.45 - 11 2.45, (0.45) 2.36, (0.50) 2.29, (0.60) 2.25, (0.70) 2.21, (1.00) E-beam Mo, Cu 1500 Yttrium Oxide Y2O3 ~0.25 - 11 1.83, (0.40) 1.80, (0.50) 1.75, (2.00) 1.42, (9.00) E-beam W, Graphite 2400 Zirconium Oxide ZrO2 0.3 - 10 2.20, (0.30) 2.12, (0.35) 2.10, (0.40) 2.05, (0.5 - 2.0) E-beam Graphite 2200 Oxide notes: (a) Quarter-wave thickness exhibits Deposition Parameters Application Notes Density (gm/cc) see noted) Rate (A/s) Substrate Temp. (°C) Pressure Oxygen (torr) Combine with Comments 3.6 2 250 ~1 E-05 SiO2, Sc2O3 UV laser ARC and high reflectors. Mirror protection. 5.2 5 ~200-300 5 E-05 Glass, Si, Ge Very hard, resistant to acids and alkalis; sunglass coating. Binding layer 10 nm. 9.7 2 150 - 250 2 - 5 E-05 Glass, SiO2, Oxides UV laser multilayers; high damage threshold 355 nm. IR mirror overcoat; emitter wire coating. 7.2 2 250 1 E-04 SiO2, Glass, InSb, MgF2 Hard, protective coating for metal mirrors. 7.2 3 350 1 E-04 SiO2, Glass Transparent conductor: electro-optic panels, displays. Sn doping availability. 7.2 3 ~250 2 E-04 Glass, CeF3 High-index, wide-band multilayers, VIS ARC, hard films. Requires post air-bake unless IAD. 6.9 3 300 1 E-04 Oxides Component in wide-band VIS ARC. Does not disassociate. 3.8 3 200 - 250 1 E-04 MgF2, SiO2 UV ARC 248 nm. ARC on high- damage semiconductors. Threshold at 355 nm with MgF2. 2.1 5 200 5 E-05 Oxides, CeF3 Amorphous vitreous films. High rate or low substrate temperatures product stressed, underdense films. 2.0 10 100 - 150 2 E-06 Oxides, Si, Ge, Al Protecton of Al and Ag mirrors; ARC Si; low tensile stress, amorph. high density; component or IR multilayers to 5 µm. 8.7 2.5 175 - 300 2 E-04 SiO2 VIS and NIR filters; hard protective films; 1064- nm laser coatings. 4.0 5 250 1 - 2 E-04 SiO2, Oxides Amorphous below 300 °C, crystalline above 300 °C. Durable multilayers; protective coating, saltwater-resistant. high tensile stress. 4.5 3 150 - 300 1 E-04 Oxides, Fluorides, Ag, Al IR mirror overcoat; wide-band VIS ARC layer. Water absorption bands at low temperature. 5.0 3 200 - 300 1 E-04 SiO2, Oxides VIS multilayers, high damage threshold to 350 nm, hard films, inhomogeneous index gradient, modifications available. Identification Physical Parameters Material Name Material Formula Transparent Region(µm) (see note a) Index at Wavelength (µm) (see note b) Method/ Holder Evap. Temp. °C) (see note c) FLUORIDES Aluminum Fluoride AiF3 0.2 - 12 1.36, (0.60) 1.34, (1.00) 1.30, (8 - 10) Resistance, E-beam Graphite 1100 Calcium Fluoride CaF2 0.15 - 12 1.35, (0.2 - 10) Resistance Ta, Mo 1200 Cerium Fluoride CeF3 ~0.3 - 11 1.62, (0.50) 1.60, (1.00) 1.44, (8 - 10) Resistance E-beam Ta, Mo 1300 Lanthanum Fluoride LaF3 0.25 - 11 1.64, (0.30) 1.60, (0.50) 1.35, (10.00) Resistance Mo, Ta 1300 Magnesium Fluoride MgF2 0.15 - 6 1.42, (0.30) 1.39, (0.40) 1.38, (0.55) 1.36, (0.80) Resistance 950 Thorium Fluoride ThF4 0.25 - 14 1.55, (0.55) 1.40, (5 - 8) 1.36, (8 - 12) Resistance E-beam Ta 800 Yttrium Fluoride YF3 0.25 - 11 1.45, (5.00) 1.30, (10.00) Resistance Alumina 800 FLUORIDES NOTES: Rates for all fluorides are 10 - 20 A/S; pressure ~5 E-05 torr. INFRARED MATERIALS Cadmium Telluride CdTe 0.9 - 25 2.65, (1 - 10) Resistance, Alumina, Mo 900 Germanium Ge 2.0 - 12 4.10 - 400, (>2) E-beam Ta, Graphite, Alumina 1600 Lead Telluride PbTe 3.5 - 80 (300K) 7 - 80 (77 K) 5.40, (5 - 10) Resistance Alumina, Graphite 1100 Silicon Si 1.1 - 8 3.40, (>1.2) E-beam Ta, Graphite 1300 Zinc Selenide ZnSe 0.6 - 16 2.60, (0.60) 2.50, (1.00) 2.35, (5 - 10) Resistance Silica, Ta, Mo 900 Zinc Sulfide ZnS 0.4 - 14 2.50, (0.40) 2.35, (0.60) 2.25, (1.00) 2.15, (5 - 12) Resistance Ta, Silica, Mo 1000 IR MATERIALS NOTES: Rates ~5 A/s; pressure Deposition Parameters Application Notes Density (gm/cc) see noted) Substrate Temp. (°C) Combine with Comments 2.9 250 - 300 Fluorides, ZnS, ZnSe AR UV-IR excimer laser. 3.0 200 Sc2O3, ZnSe UV-IR, UV laser coatings, low packing density, hygroscopic. 6.0 250 ZnSe,ZnS, Fluorides Amorphous, hard, water- resistant, IRXTM formulation replacement for the ThF4. 5.8 300 ZnS, ZnSe, Ge Low index UV-IR, insoluble. 3.1 250 - 300 Fluorides, Glass Lowest index, multilayers, tensile stress, low packing density at low substrate temperature, absorbs water. 8.2 200 - 250 ZnS, ZnSe, Ge High damage threshold 10.6 µm, radioactive: dust is hazardous. 8.0 200 - 250 ZnSe, Ge, ZnS IR multilayers. Low water absorption. ThF4 replacement. 6.0 150 ZnSe IR multilayers, soft. 5.3 150 Filters. 8.1 150 ZnS, ZnSe Far-IR multilayers, filters. Requires gentle preheating and evaporation. 2.3 150 SiO, Oxides Hard films, SWIR filters. 5.2 150 Fluorides, Ge, CeF3 AR multilayers. Decomposes and reassociates. 3.8 150 Fluorides, Ge, CeF3 AR multilayers. Decomposes and reassociates. SOURCE: CERAC, inc. with technical assistance from Pellicori Optical Consulting