!%Carl Zeiss%! of Jena, Germany, has received a license from the University of California, San Francisco, for the commercialization of multidirectional selective plane illumination microscopy (mSPIM), an advanced illumination technique for light-sheet fluorescence microscopy, which is well suited for live imaging of fluorescently labeled specimens up to millimeters in size. Specimens can be imaged for days under certain physiological conditions and with minimum photodamage. The agreement grants Carl Zeiss the right to integrate mSPIM technology with its existing and future microscopy systems. In Oberkochen, Germany, !%16330%%Carl Zeiss Optronics GmbH%! has received an order from the German army for panoramic reconnaissance and surveillance systems to meet immediate deployment requirements. The army plans to use the systems to protect its forward operating bases in northern Afghanistan. The systems, which will protect an area over several kilometers, consist of high-resolution daylight target observation and thermal imaging cameras as well as a system for situation reports. The company is the defense and security branch of Carl Zeiss AG.