Lambda Research Optics, Inc. - DFO

Carbon-Nanotube Optics Designed for Space Telescopes

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A lightweight telescope that uses a carbon-nanotube mirror is being designed to fit easily inside a CubeSat, a NASA nanosatellite measuring four inches on one side. The telescope, which may be the first to carry a mirror made of carbon nanotubes in an epoxy resin, will be used for a range of CubeSat scientific investigations. A team of scientists at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has created a laboratory optical bench to test the telescope's overall design. The bench is comprised of three commercially available, miniaturized spectrometers optimized for the UV, visible and NIR...Read full article

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    Published: July 2016
    A CubeSat is a type of miniaturized satellite characterized by its standardized size and modular design. CubeSats are typically used for scientific research, technology demonstration, educational purposes, and commercial applications in space exploration. The CubeSat standard was developed to reduce the cost and complexity of satellite missions by providing a common platform for building and launching small satellites. Key features and characteristics of CubeSats include: Standardized...
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    mirrorsResearch & TechnologyAmericasNASACubeSatnanosatelliteOpticstelescopeaerospaceoptical mirrorphotonicsTech Pulse

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