PI Physik Instrumente - Space Qualified Steering 3-25 LW LB

Narrow Line Diode Stacks for DPAL

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Author: Tobias Koenning
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
DILAS Diodenlaser GmbH

Diode pumped alkali metal vapor lasers (DPALs) offer the promise of scalability to very high average power levels while maintaining excellent beam quality, making them an attractive candidate for future defense applications. A variety of gain media are used and each requires a different pump wavelength: near 852nm for cesium, 780nm for rubidium, 766nm for potassium, and 670nm for lithium atoms. The biggest challenge in pumping these materials efficiently is the narrow gain media absorption band of approximately 0.01nm.

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File: DILAS_Paper_8962_JULY_14_TK.pdf (247.05 KB)
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BiophotonicsLasersfibervisible diode laserfiber couplingdisplay applicationsdiode laserslaser diodesfiber-coupledDilas
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