Up-screening of COTS Laser Diodes
Photodigm Inc.Request Info
Photodigm now offers an up-screening service for space bound commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) laser diodes and photodiodes including Photodigm’s TOSA and 9mm DBR laser diodes. Component lots meeting the 100% up-screening below will be sampled tested to a specification relevant to their use. These tests may include De-cap Internal visual, Steady State Operation Life, Total Dose Ionizing Radiation, and Non-ionizing Radiation. Other tests may be added as needed. Photodigm has the capabilities to process all product offerings including 9mm, 5.6mm, and TO-3 packages.
Typical COTS 100% Up-screening Flow:
• Procure sample of COTS device for DPA and DFEMA
• Destructive Physical Analysis (DPA) to determine if construction is capable of meeting mission requirements and if materials used are acceptable for flight environments
• Risk study including DFEMA (Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)
• Procure devices for Up-screening
• Laser Marking (Symbolize/Serialize)
• Temperature Cycling, Hermetic Seal, PIND, Constant Acceleration, and X-ray
• Pre-burn-in Optical and Electrical Testing
• Power burn-in/HTRB
• Post burn-in Optical and Electrical Testing
Delta and PDA Calculations Advantages: High volume reliability, lower cost, shorter procurement time, larger sampling plan quantities may be utilized during Qualification Testing, eliminate activities that do not add value, a shared radiation data base. Photodigm’s engineering staff has decades of experience in the qualification of COTS devices. Contact Photodigm for more information.
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