Steering Mirror Control Sensor System
Kaman Precision Products, Measuring SystemsRequest Info
MIDDLETOWN, Conn., April 15, 2021 — The KD-5100+ provides precision measurements for fast-steering mirror control. It is designed for use in/with laser communications, satellite and ground station, directed energy, and image stabilization systems.
The system features a dual channel signal conditioner with two precisely matched sensors per channel. Designed for thermal and long-term stability, the KD-5100+ is radiation tolerant, suitable for vacuum applications, and offers a small package size and low power consumption. Sensor and signal conditioner packaging are customizable for requirements. Enclosure finish can be black paint (low reflectivity) or bright nickel finish (lower outgassing).
Sensor configurations: Model 15N: Measuring Range to ± 0.035 inch (± 0.9 mm); Model 20N: Measuring Range to ± 0.075 inch (± 1.9 mm).
Published: April 2021
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