Metrios, Talos, Titan Themis TEM Systems
FEI Life Sciences (acquired by Thermo Fisher)
FEI Co. has introduced three new transmission electron microscopy (TEM) systems. The Metrios is for semiconductor manufacturing metrology, the Talos is for materials and life sciences applications, and the Titan Themis is for atomic-scale measurement of material properties.
The Metrios provides precise measurements for developing and controlling the wafer fabrication processes. Extensive automation of the basic TEM operation and measurement procedures minimizes requirements for operator training, and its automated metrology delivers greater precision than manual methods, the company says.
The Talos combines high-resolution, high-throughput TEM imaging with quantitative energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis. Available with FEI’s highest-brightness electron source and latest EDX detector technology, it can sense low-concentration and light elements. Suitable performance at lower accelerating voltages permits the use of lower beam energies to reduce sample damage on delicate materials. The platform is completely digital, allowing for remote operation.
The Titan Themis permits aberration-corrected, atomic-scale imaging and analysis, allowing researchers to understand relationships between a material’s larger-scale physical properties and its atomic-scale composition and structure. Its platform permits direct measurements of properties such as magnetic fields on the nanometer scale, and electric fields down to the atomic scale.