Blickfeld GmbHRequest Info
The Cube Range lidar from Blickfeld GmbH is a microelectromechanical (MEMS) device that detects obstacles at a distance of up to 250 m.
The Cube Range was designed as a robust 3D solid-state lidar for the mass market. It has a range of 150 m with 10% reflection and a range of up to 250 m with higher reflection. The Cube Range also features a resolution of 0.18°. A proprietary silicon MEMS mirror is embedded in a coaxial structure based on commercial standard components.
With its high resolution and long range, the Cube Range addresses the need for moving objects to be detected with high accuracy. By precisely generating a dense 3D point cloud and then evaluating in real time using its software stack, the device helps enable autonomous driving. Precise environmental detection is assured even in darkness, fog, or strong sunlight.
Published: October 2019
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