The Consumer Electronics Show, the flagship event of the Consumer Technology Association, opened its doors Tuesday. The annual show, which showcases the latest innovations and developments in consumer technology, concludes today. Photonics Media has tracked this year’s product demonstrations, partnerships, and photonics industry news. Aledia, a company specialized in 3D nanowire-based micro-LED technology, unveiled a $200 million state-of-the-art production line in Grenoble, France. The line utilizes semiconductor-grade silicon in 8-inch and 12-inch formats, lowering production costs for large-scale production of micro-LEDs. The company stated that it can support customer demand ramp up to nearly 5000 wafer starts per week. Fabless semiconductor company Himax Technologies has partnered with Calumino, a provider of intelligent thermal imaging solutions. The companies have produced a CMOS imager-based optical thermal sensor featuring on-device edge AI. They expect the final product to launch later this year. XREAL has revealed collaborations with numerous industry leading companies, including BMW Group. Courtesy of XREAL. AR technology developer XREAL revealed a series of collaborations and a distributor agreement. The company has new and renewed collaborations with companies including BMW Group, Google, Qualcomm Technologies, Bose, T-Mobile, Mawari, and others. Embedded motherboard and industrial computer company DFI collaborated with AI semiconductor and computing solutions provider DEEPX. DFI has begun integrating the DEEPX DX-1 M1 AI accelerator into its industrial hardware platforms to enable simultaneous execution of advanced AI algorithms, such as object recognition and image classification for applications in industrial robotics, machine vision, and others. John Deere will be offering autonomous machines supported by its second-generation perception system. The perception system will also be available as a retrofit kit to enable autonomous operation on certain existing machines. Courtesy of John Deere. John Deere revealed several autonomous machines built on the company’s second-generation autonomy kit to support customers in agriculture, construction, and commercial landscaping. The updated autonomy kit combines advanced computer vision, AI, and cameras to allow the machines to navigate their environments. The company said that its second-generation perception system will also be available as a retrofit kit for certain existing machines.