Disposable-Fiber Laser
SemiNex Corp.Request Info
A 14-pin laser package from SemiNex Corp. is suited for integration as a high-power IR laser in systems where the use of disposable fibers is prevalent.
The laser produces up to 5.8 W of CW power at 1475 nm and up to 5.4 W at 1560 nm.
The package comes standard with a high-power SemiNex laser diode, an SMA connector for 200 µm, 0.22 NA fiber, a red aiming beam and a thermistor. It is also available with a thermoelectric cooler (TEC) for temperature tuning and wavelength stabilization.
The ability to detach the fiber makes the package useful for front-panel mounting, and enables users to replace damaged fiber without having to replace the entire package. Applications include surgical systems, industrial processing, manufacturing and remote sensing.
Published: January 2015
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