White Light Source
The Mighty Light Plus (ML+) from Spectrolight Inc. is a high-power white light source designed for microscopy, white light interferometry, machine vision, and precision inspection applications.
The ML+ outputs up to 7 W from a 10-mm diameter, detachable, armored light guide, providing high spatial uniformity suitable for both wide-field and focused spot illumination applications. The air-cooled package is 340 × 160 × 140 mm. The ML+ bulb temperature of 3400 K delivers output as short as 350 nm, while producing useful power >2.5 µm. Rotation of a single knob enables the output power to be smoothly varied from 0 to 100 percent.
An optional collimator enables the light guide output to be directed into a variety of free space optics applications or instruments. This collimator is designed to interface directly with Spectrolight’s flexible wavelength selectors, providing a low-cost, smoothly tunable, narrowband light source that allows the ML+ output to be rapidly tuned to match the excitation spectrum of a wide range of fluorophores.
Published: February 2018
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