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Photonics Dictionary

Clear All Filters xtransmission x
In optics, the conduction of radiant energy through a medium. Often denotes the percentage of energy passing through an element or system relative to the amount that entered. See transmission...
transmission efficiency
Measure of the amount of light that is transmitted, relative to the amount lost by absorption or reflection.
transmission electron microscope
A transmission electron microscope (TEM) is a powerful microscopy technique that uses a beam of electrons to create high-resolution images of extremely thin samples. In a TEM, electrons are...
transmission grating
A transparent diffraction grating that serves to transmit light.
transmission hologram
A hologram that is illuminated by a source opposite the viewer.
transmission limit
A restricting wavelength above or below which a specified form of radiation is totally almost absorbed by a specified medium.
transmission loss
The decrease in power that occurs when an optical beam or signal is transmitted through a system.
transmission plane
In polarized light, the plane of vibration that a polarizer will transmit.
transmission sphere
A precision lens designed to convert the plane wavefront output of an interferometer to a spherical wavefront for the testing of curved (spherical) surfaces.
transmission window -> spectral window
A wavelength region of relatively high transmittance, surrounded by regions of low transmittance.
air-to-ground phototransmission system
A category of systems designed to communicate a photo taken from the air (e.g., aircraft, balloon, satellite) to a ground station. It can be done by direct television transmission of the photo, or by...
asynchronous transmission
A mode of data transmission whereby each bit of information is generated separately, with some stop/start code to indicate the interval between bits.
color facsimile transmission
The transmission of a color photograph by separating the colors into varying intensities of red, blue and green, and then sending separate transmissions of the three color signals to a receiving...
diffuse transmission
Transmission accompanied by diffusion or scatter to the extent that there is no regular or direct transmission.
direct transmission
Light transmission involving no scatter.
lens transmission
The ratio of the intensities of a light bundle before and after passing through the lens.
matched transmission line
A transmission line having no wave reflection along its path.
mixed transmission
The simultaneous occurrence of direct and diffuse transmission.
modulated transmission ellipsometry
A method used to detect internal or residual microstresses in a material by using a laser beam to locate changes in polarization caused by the stress.
parallel transmission
A mode of data transmission whereby bits of information are carried simultaneously at different frequencies over a single channel.
selective transmission
Transmission in different amounts as a function of wavelength, as a result of absorption and scattering, leading to color effects if occurring in the visible wavelength region.
sequential color transmission
With respect to television, the transmission of the signals that originate from variously colored parts of an image in a particular sequential order.
serial transmission
A mode of data transmission whereby each bit is generated in sequence on a single carrier.
specular transmission
See regular transmittance; the term specular is not properly applied to transmission.
superluminal transmission
Superluminal transmission refers to the hypothetical process of transmitting information faster than the speed of light, which is commonly denoted as superluminal or faster-than-light (FTL)...
synchronous transmission
A mode of transmission whereby the sending and receiving stations operate continuously at a fixed relationship of phase and frequency, generating signals to control the timing of the data that are to...
tapered transmission line -> tapered waveguide
A waveguide having a characteristic that is altered continuously with the distance traveled, relative to the axis of its path.
zero-order transmission grating
A polyethylene grating that transmits the long wavelengths and diffracts shorter wavelengths in controlled directions.
Abbe-Porro prism
An Abbe-Porro prism, often referred to simply as a Porro prism, is an optical prism used in binoculars and other optical instruments to invert and reverse an image. It is named after the Italian...
absorption spectrophotometer
Measures the absorption or sample transmittance over a range of specified wavelengths. Sample may be placed within the device and the transmission measured to an accuracy of given percent. The...
actinic glass
Actinic glass is a type of glass specifically designed to filter or block ultraviolet (UV) light and other forms of actinic radiation. UV filtering: Actinic glass effectively absorbs or...
active infrared system
An active infrared (IR) system is a type of technology that uses infrared radiation actively emitted and detected by sensors for various purposes. Here are the key features and applications of active...
adapter (optical adapter)
An optical adapter typically refers to a device or component used in optical systems to facilitate connections between different types of optical fibers, connectors, or interfaces. Here are a few...
addressability (optical)
Optical addressability refers to the capability to control or manipulate individual elements that emit or modulate light (such as pixels in a display or light sources in an optical network) using...
adhesion (thin-films)
Optical thin film adhesion specifically refers to the adhesion properties of thin films used in optical applications. Here’s a detailed definition: Thin film materials: Optical thin films...
automatic data transmission; anthradithiophene
advanced communication technology satellite
The advanced communication technology satellite (ACTS) was a program developed by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in the United States to demonstrate and advance satellite...
alternating current
Alternating current (AC) is an electrical current in which the direction of flow of electric charge periodically reverses. This reversal occurs at regular intervals, typically in a sinusoidal...
amplitude shift keying
In digital data transmission, the representation of a bit by change in amplitude of the outgoing signal. Amplitude shift keying (ASK) is less sensitive than phase-shift keying, but can tolerate...
Analog-to-analog (AA) refers to the process or system that involves the conversion or transmission of analog signals from one form to another, without converting them into digital signals at any...
Analog-to-digital (A/D) is a process that converts continuous analog signals into discrete digital signals. This process coverts analog signals continuously, which vary smoothly over time, into a...
antireflection coating
An antireflection coating (AR coating) is a thin film or coating applied to optical surfaces, such as lenses or windows, to minimize unwanted reflections and increase the transmission of light...
The use of a variable transmission filter at the aperture stop of a lens to modify its diffraction pattern. Reduced transmission at the center of the aperture will favor performance at high...
automatic picture transmission
Attenuation refers to the gradual loss or reduction of intensity, force, or magnitude of a particular property as it propagates through a medium or travels over a distance. This concept is prevalent...
Concerned with the transmission and reception of both sight and sound. An audiovisual system communicates pictorial images and audio signals.
axial propagation constant
The propagation constant evaluated along the axis of a waveguide, that is, in the direction of transmission. Also called axial propagation wave number.
bandpass filter
A filter with a transmission that is high for a particular band of frequencies, but that falls to low values above and below this band.
barrel -> adapter (optical adapter)
An optical adapter typically refers to a device or component used in optical systems to facilitate connections between different types of optical fibers, connectors, or interfaces. Here are a few...
The simplest method of transmission on a local area network. The entire bandwidth of the cable is used to transmit a single unmodulated digital signal. Baseband transmission is capable of...

Photonics Dictionary

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