8,726 terms
Photonics Dictionary
ADSLasymmetric digital subscriber line
adsorptionThe process by which a substance, usually a solid, attracts and retains on its surface the molecules of another substance.
adsorption indicatorA chemical placed in a solution that will indicate when an excess of a substance or ion has been reached by coloring the precipitate after the chemical itself has been totally adsorbed.
ADTautomatic data transmission; anthradithiophene
advanced communication technology satelliteThe advanced communication technology satellite (ACTS) was a program developed by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in the United States to demonstrate and advance satellite...
advanced compatible televisionA television format with enhanced vertical resolution (400 lines as compared with the standard 330) that, unlike high-definition television, can operate on existing bandwidths and with existing...
advanced driver assistance systemsAdvanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) refers to a set of safety features and technologies designed to assist drivers in the driving process and enhance overall vehicle safety. These systems use...
advanced photon sourceAn accelerator at the Argonne National Laboratory, providing powerful x-ray beams for materials research applications.
advanced tactical air reconnaissance systemAn aerial reconnaissance system that can transmit, in near real time, image data recorded by IR and visual-spectrum sensors, providing day, night and foul-weather intelligence.
AELaccessible emission limit
aeolightA glow discharge lamp consisting of a cold cathode and a mixture of inert gases. The intensity of illumination varies with the applied signal voltage. This lamp was commonly used as a source of...
aerial cameraCamera designed for the imaging of the earth's surface in order to obtain high quality aerial images
aerial filmFilm designed especially for the needs and conditions encountered in aerial photography. It is produced in a variety of widths, lengths and emulsions.
aerial mappingThe use of photographs taken from the air to construct graphic maps and charts of ground surfaces.
aerial perspectiveAn optical illusion in which distant objects are lighter in tone and less distinct in outline than those closer to the observer because of the atmospheric diffusion of light.
aerial photogrammetryThe application of aerial photographs as a means of measurement in map making and surveying.
aerial photographyPhotographing of terrain on the ground and objects in the air by cameras mounted in aircraft; utilized in satellites, multispectral scanning and intricate data handling systems.
aerial reconnaissanceThe use of optical or electronic recording systems to extract information from the terrain, while aloft, for reconnaissance applications.
aerial surveyThe creation of a planned sequence of data input that is obtained while airborne for use in aerial photogrammetry and other types of map making and surveying. The data can be photographic, electronic...
aerocartographyThe creation of topographical maps and charts from a stereographic record produced through the overlapping of consecutive aerial photographs by more than 50 percent.
aerosolA two-phase system consisting of dispersed liquid or solid particles in a gas; examples include dust, smoke and clouds.
aerotriangulationIn aerial photography, the geometric method of indicating the three-dimensional location of ground points from a pair of aerial photographs.
AESAuger electron spectroscopy; atomic emission spectrometry
AFaudio frequency; autofocusing
AFCautomatic frequency control
AFCEAArmed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
affine transformationTransformation of an image, such as a change in position or scale, that does not alter the linearity of the original image.
AFMatomic force microscope
afocalAn optical system with object and image points at infinity. Literally, "without a focal length."
AFOSRAir Force Office of Scientific Research
AFSatomic fluorescence spectroscopy
after-imageThat image remaining on the detector after the primary stimulus has been removed. In the visual system, the after-image commonly appears as the complementary color of the primary stimulus.
afterglowThe luminosity that remains in a rarefied gas after an electrodeless discharge has traversed the gas.
AGCautomatic gain control
AGEaerospace ground equipment
AGETAdvisory Group on Electron Tubes
agri-photonicsAgri-photonics refers to the application of photonics technologies in agriculture. Photonics involves the generation, manipulation, and detection of light and other forms of radiant energy whose...
AGRINaxial gradient index
AGVautomated guided vehicle
AHARSattitude heading and reference system
AIartificial intelligence
AI system-on-chipAn AI system-on-chip (SoC) is an integrated circuit that integrates hardware components optimized for performing AI computations efficiently. These components typically include:
AI accelerators:...
AIAAutomated Imaging Association
AIAAAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AICHEAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers
AIDairborne intelligent display; area imaging device
AIEEAmerican Institute of Electrical Engineers
Photonics Dictionary