Take our webinars with you wherever you go. As long as you have a Wi-Fi connection, you can listen and learn anywhere, anytime. It’s an option that’s available to you when you’re between flights, working from home, or just looking to brush up on a specific topic. And it’s another way that Photonics Media delivers information to you that’s timely, valuable, and in a format that’s convenient. Recent webinars include: How the Metalens Will Transform Lens Technology and Everyday Devices — an inspiring talk by Federico Capasso, the “Father of the Quantum Cascade Laser.” Go to: www.photonics.com/W142. From Layout to Multiphysics: Integrating Thermal and Photonics Simulation into the PIC Design Flow — a unique opportunity to learn (for free!) how to use 3D electromagnetic and multiphysics simulation to analyze PIC performance at the layout stage, before you go to the time and expense of developing a physical prototype. Go to: www.photonics.com/W145. We are also scheduling several upcoming webinars on a range of topics that will engage your curiosity and advance your knowledge. Like all of our webinars, they will be available for joining live and for viewing on demand. Photonics Media webinars are free. They are taught by world-class educators and industry experts and attract attendees from around the globe. Give them a listen, if you haven’t already. The more you know, the further you can take your own research.