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The Photonics Spectra Conference Reflects an Evolving Industry

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Join industry colleagues during a free, four-day online conference in January to discover the latest trends, technical advancements, and best practices in photonics.

Photonics Media will host its third annual Photonics Spectra Conference Jan. 9-12. The virtual event will feature over 50 industry experts discussing topics arranged into four technology tracks: Lasers, Optics, Test and Measurement, and Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs).

A PIC panel discussion moderated by Optica’s Jose Pozo (left) will feature (following left to right) Michael Lebby of Lightwave Logic, Claudia Hoessbacher of Polariton, Hanjo Rhee of Sicoya, and Michael Geiselmann of LIGENTEC. The virtual event will take place Jan. 12 and is free to attend.

Among the topics on the program are the latest developments in materials processing, spaceborne optical platforms, freeform optics, beam profiling, optical metrology, lasers for quantum computing, and the fast-expanding applications driving demand for PIC technology.

A discussion on PICs

Capping the four-day event will be an all-star panel discussion moderated by Optica’s Jose Pozo and featuring experts representing the entire PIC value chain to discuss lessons learned when scaling PIC production for volume applications. The panelists will be Michael Lebby of Lightwave Logic, Claudia Hoessbacher of Polariton Technologies, Hanjo Rhee of Sicoya GmbH, and Michael Geiselmann of LIGENTEC.

Expert insights for free

Photonics Spectra ConferenceAs with the previous editions of the all-virtual Photonics Spectra Conference, registration for the 2023 event is free.

Presenters continue to sign on and fine-tune their topics. So check back often at, where you can register to attend.
Lambda Research Optics, Inc. - Custom Optics

Published: December 2022
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