Bristol Instruments, Inc. - 872 Series High-Res 4/24 LB

Wafer-Level Optics Enable Small-Form Photonic Sensors

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The technology allows for mass production in industries that demand high performance and specialized design.

Martin Eibelhuber, Robert Breyer, and Mikhail Begel, EV Group

For many years, innovations in sensors for mass markets such as automotive, gaming, and consumer electronics have been driven by the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) industry. MEMS-based sensors are well known to provide solutions for a multitude of applications that require the smallest form factors or size of components and packaging, while still providing high performance. However, emerging markets for autonomous vehicles, augmented reality, biomedical uses, and security solutions have necessitated a focus on optical sensors and projectors to their product requirements. By measuring...Read full article

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    Published: January 2020
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    MEMSwafer-level optics3D sensingbiometric authenticationspectral imaginglens moldingnanoimprint lithographyrefractive lensesUV curing polymersstep-and-repeat imprintingPDMSprofilometryHVMEV GroupNILPhotonics Competence CenterFeatures

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