Trumpf GmbH + Co. KG has appointed Heinz-Jürgen Prokop and Christian Schmitz to its managing board. Heinz-Jürgen Prokop. Courtesy of Trumpf. Prokop, who has also been chairman of the German Machine Tool Builders' Association since 2016, will be assuming responsibility for Trumpf's machine tools division, which was headed by Mathias Kammüller. Schmitz will head the laser technology/electronics division. Christian Schmitz. Courtesy of Trumpf. Kammüller and Peter Leibinger will be shifting from operational division responsibility to the company’s growth areas. Leibinger will drive the development of new technologies such as additive manufacturing or extreme UV lithography. Kammüller, who is also chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, will become chief digital officer of Trumpf. He will assume the central role in shaping digital business models and will also be driving digital transformation within the company. Peter Leibinger. Courtesy of Trumpf. Lars Grünert remains CFO. In addition to her role as chairwoman of the Managing Board, Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller will become labor director. "Our primary focus so far has been on products and services,” Leibinger-Kammüller said. “With the new organizational structure, we are taking things a step further and reinforcing our digital interaction with our customers. That is the key message to the market." Trumpf is a provider of manufacturing solutions for the machine tools, laser technology and electronics fields.