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Transparent Materials Absorb Light

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Researchers have demonstrated an optical paradox — they have made a completely transparent material appear perfectly light-absorbing. The results of their research contradict the idea that materials that look transparent, such as glass, appear that way because they have no light-absorbing qualities. Based on their results, researchers introduce the concept of coherent virtual absorption in a lossless electromagnetic system, a phenomenon that arises when the incident electromagnetic field matches the spatiotemporal distribution of a complex scattering zero of a lossless system. ...Read full article

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    Published: December 2017
    Change of the spatial distribution of a beam of radiation when it interacts with a surface or a heterogeneous medium, in which process there is no change of wavelength of the radiation.
    Research & TechnologyeducationEuropeLight SourcesMaterialslight focusinglight absorptionrefractive indexscatteringTech Pulse

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