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Small World winners highlight the art of photomicrography

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What do a diatom, a turtle retina, a marine worm, a paramecium, a neuron and a chameleon embryo all have in common? Well, they all look pretty under a microscope – and they’re the subjects of the top six winners in the 2013 Nikon Small World Photo-micrography Competition. First prize went to longtime competitor Wim van Egmond of the Netherlands for his image Chaetoceros debilis (marine diatom), a colonial plankton organism; the image blends art and science to capture the complexity and stunning detail of this fragile helical chain. Egmond is a freelance photographer and...Read full article

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    Published: January 2014
    Biophotonicsdifferential interference contrastImagingLaura S. MarshallNikon InstrumentsphotomicographyPostscriptsAmericas Europe2013 Nikon Small World Photomicography CompetitionWim van EgmondEric Flemimage stacking

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