KNOXVILLE, Tenn. & PRINCETON, N.J., Sept. 23 -- Sarcon Microsystems of Knoxville has awarded the production contract for its unique high-performance 320 X 240 microelectromechanical (MEMS) infrared sensor array to Sarnoff Corp. (formerly RCA Laboratories), of Princeton. Sarcon plans to deliver complete IR detector engines with ROIC electronics for evaluation to customers in early 2003. Commercial production is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2003. The company will set up an IR detector engine packaging facility on Sarnoff's Princeton campus, for single-site production of complete component-level detectors. Sarcon said it expects the high performance and low cost of the detector, based on MEMS microcantilever technology, will let OEMs expand existing markets and create new ones for their products. According to Frank Pantuso, vice president and general manager at Sarnoff, the company's foundry will complete development of the 320 X 240 chips, then proceed to full production. Infrared imaging systems are used to monitor overheating in equipment and many manufacturing processes, and in security and surveillance night-vision equipment. For more information, visit: