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Polarization vision keeps cuttlefish safe

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Caren B. Les, [email protected]

Cuttlefish may be colorblind, but they can see things we can’t – in fact, they have the most acute polarization vision yet found in any animal. And that special power gives them an advantage in survival and hunting situations. “Just like color and intensity, polarization is an aspect of light that can provide animals with information about the world around them,” said Shelby Temple of the Ecology of Vision Laboratory at the University of Bristol in the UK. On the left is an image of a shrimp as humans see it. On the right is an interpretation of how the...Read full article

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    Published: April 2012
    Polarization refers to the orientation of oscillations in a transverse wave, such as light waves, radio waves, or other electromagnetic waves. In simpler terms, it describes the direction in which the electric field vector of a wave vibrates. Understanding polarization is important in various fields, including optics, telecommunications, and physics. Key points about polarization: Transverse waves: Polarization is a concept associated with transverse waves, where the oscillations occur...
    AustraliaBiophotonicsCaren B. Lescolor blindnesscurrent biologycuttlefishDisplaysEcology of Vision LaboratoryEnglandEuropehigh-resolution polarization visionImagingJustin Marshallpolarizationpolarization anglespolarization sensitivitypolarization visionpolarization vision in fishpolarization vision in marine animalspolarization vision in marine lifepolarization vision modelingpolarization vision simulationPostscriptsShelby Templeunderwater communicationUniversity of BristolUniversity of Queensland

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