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Optical Tweezers Set up Entanglement for Long-Distance Quantum Computing

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GARCHING, Germany, July 16, 2024 — According to prevailing wisdom, long-distance quantum computing requires the ability to entangle qubits made from matter, in which information is stored and manipulated locally, with photonic qubits that can transmit the information. Entanglement between single trapped atoms and photons is limited in scalability, which is a significant challenge for long-distance quantum computing and communications. A promising approach to building scalable quantum networks, from the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ), uses optical tweezers to entangle atoms that are trapped in an optical...Read full article

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    Research & TechnologyeducationEuropeMax Planck Institute of Quantum OpticsLasersLight Sourceslight-matter interactionMicroscopyOpticspositioningquantumCommunicationsmachine visionoptical tweezersoptical resonatorsOptical trappingquantum entanglementquantum networks

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