In response to recent reports of lead and heavy metals being found in consumer products, Ocean Optics Inc., a Dunedin, Fla.-based maker of spectroscopy and photonic instruments, announced it has begun a screening program using its laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system, available to consumer product manufacturers, importers and distributors. "We want to not only assist our customers in determining the safety of their products, but we also want to encourage companies to be proactive towards these issues, without the concern of significant up-front investment. We have technology that can give a fast, clear result; this could be one step to help keep dangerous products from being used by consumers, like our families and friends," said Ocean Optics President Rob Randelman. Unlike traditional "rub tests," the LIBS system is not fooled by an overcoat of nonlead paint, the company said. A laser is used to "burn" away a small area of the test object, causing a plasma to form which is then analyzed for the key elements of interest, primarily lead or other metals. The test takes less than 30 seconds. Ocean Optics said it is offering the screening for $100 per test to help companies or agencies unable to invest upwards of $50,000 for their own dedicated systems. More information can be found at or by contacting an Ocean Optics application scientist at (727) 733-2447.