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Nanophotonic Detector Targets Nuclear Terrorism

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ATLANTA, May 4, 2012 — A new technique for detecting radiation will increase the effectiveness of nuclear surveillance, allowing security officials to easily find and prevent the smuggling of radioactive materials. The two most common radiation detectors used today fall under two categories: scintillation detectors and solid-state detectors. Both kinds of detection have drawbacks, however. Scintillators normally are made out of a single crystal that creates light flashes when a gamma ray strikes it; these crystals are difficult to produce, and tend to be fragile and cumbersome. Solid-state detectors are...Read full article

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    Published: May 2012
    rare-earth elements
    Rare-earth elements (REEs) are a group of seventeen chemical elements found in the Earth's crust, characterized by their unique properties and scarcity relative to other elements. Despite their name, many rare-earth elements are actually quite abundant in the Earth's crust, but they are typically dispersed and not often found in concentrated deposits. rare-earth element suppliers → The rare-earth elements consist of the following seventeen elements: Lanthanum (La) Cerium...
    aluminaAmericasAtlantaBernd KahnBrent Wagnercerium bromidedefenseDomestic Nuclear Defense OfficegadoliniumGeorgia Institute of TechnologyGeorgia Tech Research InstituteGTRIImagingMaterials & ChemicalsNano-photonic Composite Scintillation DetectorNational Science Foundationrare-Earth elementsResearch & TechnologySensors & DetectorssilicaU.S. Department of Homeland Security

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