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Metamaterials Manipulate Light on a Microchip

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UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa., Nov. 28, 2012 — Controlling light on a microchip is no easy feat, but new theoretical designs for miniaturized optical devices made of metamaterials may provide a solution. The Penn State University researchers’ unified theory combines metamaterials and transformation optics. Transformation optics (TO) uses refraction in a rigorously mathematical way by applying the 150-year-old Maxwell equations describing the propagation of light onto metamaterials — artificial constructs with custom-designed refractive indexes. Metamaterials have been used in cloaking devices and perfect lenses, but...Read full article

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    Published: November 2012
    optical communications
    The transmission and reception of information by optical devices and sensors.
    The technology of generating and harnessing light and other forms of radiant energy whose quantum unit is the photon. The science includes light emission, transmission, deflection, amplification and detection by optical components and instruments, lasers and other light sources, fiber optics, electro-optical instrumentation, related hardware and electronics, and sophisticated systems. The range of applications of photonics extends from energy generation to detection to communications and...
    The bending of oblique incident rays as they pass from a medium having one refractive index into a medium with a different refractive index.
    all-optical computingAmericasBasic Sciencechip-based optical integrated circuitsCommunicationscomputingConsumercontrolling lightDouglas Wernerelectromagnetic wavesImagingindustrialintegrated electronic circuitsJeremiah Turpinlenseslight collimatorslight manipulationMaterialsMaterials & ChemicalsMaxwell equationmetamaterialsmicrochipminiaturized optical devicesoptical communicationsOpticsPenn State UniversityPennsylvaniaphotonicsQi Wurefractionrefractive indexResearch & Technologysensingsilicon-on-insulator platformTO bendersTO splitterstransformation opticswaveguide couplerswaveguide crossings

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