In Rochester, N.Y., Melles Griot Optics Group, a provider of optical components and coatings to OEMs, has put into use a subaperture stitching interferometer from QED Technologies Inc. Working in conjunction with a magnetorheological finishing system in a clean facility, the advanced optical-surface-testing and phase-measuring instrument can measure large, clear-aperture and high-numerical-aperture surfaces.The system defines the lattice pattern of subapertures, tests large concave, convex and flat optics vertically, and automatically sets pixel scales and controls positioning and nulling.The company also has repositioned its catalog distribution business in North America and Europe. Improvements in online trading and in the global information technology structure have streamlined the process to the point where orders are touched only once, according to CEO Blake Fennell. Each order is automatically routed to a location with the available inventory. Local sales personnel will be retained.