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LightPath Technologies Expands Lenses, Services in Asia

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ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 19, 2010 — Integrated optical components manufacturer LigthPath Technologies Inc. announced it has increased significantly its strategic laser tool market and optimized its sales to Asia by adding two new lenses to its aspheric laser tool lens catalog. In addition, LightPath said it has increased its core competencies with new value-added services, including lens shaping, edging and blackened rims. “We are targeting Asian manufacturers that use high-volume optics in laser markets,” said Jim Gaynor, CEO and president. “With our new and improved products and services,...Read full article

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    Published: November 2010
    The finishing of the edge of an optical element by grinding.
    AmericasAsia-PacificAsian marketsaspheric laser tool lens catalogaspheric laser toolsassembly optionsblackened rimsBusinessedgingform factor optionsJim Gaynorlaser tool marketlaser toolslens shapinglensesLightPathLightPath Technologiesoptical componentsOpticsspherical doublet lensesspherical triplet lensesLasers

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