Next-generation dynamic glass developer Kinestral Technologies has entered into a strategic partnership with the AGC Group, a manufacturer of glass, chemicals and high-tech materials. The partnership is expected to accelerate the market introduction of Kinestral’s fast-switching dynamic glass products. The companies will collaborate to complete development of dynamic glass products, build a large-scale manufacturing plant and jointly market and sell dynamic glass products using Kinestral's proprietary technology. The partnership builds upon the existing relationship between Kinestral and AGC for the startup and operation of Kinestral’s pilot production line in Hayward, Calif. Kinestral dynamic glass looks like natural clear glass in its transparent state and blocks up to 99.9 percent of transmitted light in its darkest tint. Courtesy of Kinestral Technologies. Kinestral glass switches electronically from transparent to darker tints to block solar heat and glare while allowing more daylight and clear views in any tinted state. “The trend to nearly zero-energy building is reducing the use of glazings in favor of thick opaque walls, or concealing them behind solar shading systems,” said Jean-François Heris, general manager of AGC’s building glass division. Kinestral develops adaptive, dynamic glass for commercial, residential and automotive markets. AGC is a provider of glass, chemical and ceramic technologies.