PORTLAND, Ore., May 12 -- Flir Systems Inc., a Portland, Ore., maker of infrared imaging systems, announced that retired US Army General William Wright Crouch has been elected to its board for a term expiring at its 2006 annual meeting. Gen. Crouch's military career spans 36 years; most recently, he was the Army's 27th vice chief of staff and COO. He has also served as commanding general, Eighth Army and chief of staff, United Nations Command and US Forces Korea; commander-in-chief, US Army, Europe and Seventh Army; cmmander, Allied Land Forces Europe; and commander, NATO Peace Implementation (later stabilization) force, Bosnia/Herzegovina. As vice chief of staff, he led more than 1 million soldiers and civilians, set the Army's strategic direction and managed an annual budget of more than $60 billion. Since retiring from the Army, General Crouch serves as one of five generals who oversee the Army's Battle Command Training Program, training major Army organizations for their wartime and peacekeeping missions. In October of 2000, General Crouch was named as the co-chair of the USS Cole Commission. He is also a senior Fellow with the National War College's Capstone Program, training newly appointed brigadier generals and rear admirals.