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Exciton Diffusion Explains Plastic Solar Cell Bottleneck

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BETHLEHEM, Pa., Aug. 17, 2011 — Light-emitting excitons have been directly observed as they diffuse in the single-crystal organic semiconductor rubrene. The new technique, used at room temperature, could provide a better understanding as to why today's plastic solar cells aren't more efficient. Exciton diffusion is crucial for plastic solar cell technology in which the absorption of light creates excitons instead of directly inducing a current, as it does in the most commonly used silicon systems. After they are created in plastic solar cells, excitons diffuse toward specially designed interfaces, where they...Read full article

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    Published: August 2011
    Americasenergyexciton diffusiongreen photonicsImagingIvan BiaggioLehigh Universitylong-range diffusionorganic crystalorganic semiconductorPavel IrkhinPennsylvaniaplastic solar cellsResearch & TechnologyrubreneLasers

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