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$13.5M Photoacoustic Imaging Project to Improve Lung Cancer Diagnostics

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BOSTON, Sept. 30, 2024 — Northeastern University professor Soner Sonmezoglu has been awarded $13 million through the Advanced Research Project Agency for Health to lead a project developing photoacoustic imaging technology for diagnostic lung assessment. The technology is expected to provide earlier diagnosis of lung cancer than previously possible. Sonmezoglu will lead a multi-institutional team to develop a system that uses a miniature probe the size of a grain of rice and high resolution 3D imagery to recognize early-stage cancer before it grows and spreads. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer...Read full article

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    Published: September 2024
    photoacoustic imaging
    Abbreviated PAI. An imaging modality with a hybrid technique based on the acoustic detection of optical absorption from endogenous chromophores or exogenous contrast agents. Light is absorbed by the chromophores and converted into transient heating, and through thermoelastic expansion there is a resulting emission of ultrasonic waves. In tissue, ultrasound scatters less than light, therefore PAI generates high-resolution images in the diffusive and optical ballistic regimes compared to purely...
    BusinessresearchProjectphotoacoustic imagingImagingdiagnosticcancer researchNortheastern University3D imagingBiophotonicshealthcarelung cancerAmericasMassachusetts General HospitalJohns Hopkins UniversityUniversity of Washington

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