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Reader Poll: Recruitment Strategies

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Because the field is so vast, it can be difficult to explain to outsiders just what photonics is – and why it’s so important. So we polled readers to find out what they would say to convince a friend, family member or stranger to study optics or photonics.

Big lasers.
Jason McDonald @Physicsman (Twitter)

In optics and photonics, the opportunities to serve humanity are unlimited.
National Society of Black Physicists @BlackPhysicists (Twitter)

Job fairs and other technical events can be good venues at which to recruit future photonics specialists. Photo taken at SPIE Defense, Security & Sensing 2010 by Managing Editor Laura S. Marshall.

In Spain, with deep crisis, photonics industries are growing with double digits. I’ve been back to school 20 years later for an MSc.
Jordi Alonso @jordialonso (Twitter)

It’s going to rule the technology in the world.
Rajeev Ranjan @rajee_vran (Twitter)

CASTECH INC - High Precision CNC Polished Aspherical Lenses
I [have worked] for more than 20 years for a photonics company, and every day you’ll receive something new, especially in the current transition state from traditional to LED business.
Roland Hüttinger (Facebook)

Well, someone told me I didn’t know enough about optics for a project – that convinced me to study it!
Optical Research Associates @OpticalResearch (Twitter)

In what other profession would putting lasers on sharks be considered work?!
Lee Cairns @leecairnsy (Twitter)

Published: August 2012
defenseeducationFeaturesImagingJordi AlonsoLee CairnsOpticsRoland HüttingerLasersLEDs

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