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Photonis Signs Development Deal with IonSense

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STURBRIDGE, Mass., July 2, 2012 — Photosensor and electro-optic technologies company Photonis USA signed a development partnership agreement with IonSense Inc. of Saugus to enhance the sampling capabilities in IonSense’s direct analysis in real time (DART) source products. The agreement will protect the applicable patents of both companies.

DART-MS is a technique that ionizes samples in open air and projects the gas vapors into a mass spectrometer for analysis. IonSense developed a series of simple, low-cost DART sources aimed at routine or specific analysis.

Photonis USA holds various patents on its resistive glass inlet tubes, which enhance sample throughput, and recently released a new IMS analyzer platform for use with analytical instruments.

The companies expect to begin joint development work in the summer of 2012.

For more information, visit:
OSI Optoelectronics - Design & Manufacturing Standard Oct 22 MR

Published: July 2012
1. The branch of physics that deals with the use of electrical energy to create or manipulate light waves, generally by changing the refractive index of a light-propagating material; 2. Collectively, the devices used to affect the intersection of electrical energy and light. Compare with optoelectronics.
mass spectrometer
A device used to measure the masses and relative concentrations of atoms and molecules. It utilizes the Lorentz force generated by external magnetic field on a moving charged particle, in which the particles are deflected by the magnetic field according to their masses. Once deflected, the particles are detected and recorded electrically to provide a mass spectrum of the input beam of ions.
The technology of generating and harnessing light and other forms of radiant energy whose quantum unit is the photon. The science includes light emission, transmission, deflection, amplification and detection by optical components and instruments, lasers and other light sources, fiber optics, electro-optical instrumentation, related hardware and electronics, and sophisticated systems. The range of applications of photonics extends from energy generation to detection to communications and...
Americasanalytical instrumentsBusinessDartDART-MSdirect analysis in real timeelectro-opticsgas vaporsImagingIMS analyzer platformIonSensemass spectrometerMassachusettsOpticsphotonicsPhotonis USAphotosensorssample ionizationSensors & Detectorsspectroscopy

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