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Mass Spectrometers

A mass spectrometer is a mass spectroscope that incorporates an electric detector to record the relative quantity of ionic species that have been differentiated by their mass/charge ratios.

Clear All Filters xMass Spectrometers x
Agilent Technologies Inc. - Wilmington, DE
BrightSpec Inc. - Charlottesville, VA
CAMECA Instruments Inc. - Madison, WI
Cincinnati Test Systems Inc. - Harrison, OH
Conquer Scientific - Poway, CA
Hiden Analytical Ltd. - Warrington, United Kingdom
HTA srl - Brescia, Italy
INFICON - East Syracuse, NY
International Equipment Trading (IET) Ltd. - Mundelein, IL
JEOL USA Inc. - Peabody, MA
LECO Corp. - Saint Joseph, MI
MKS Instruments Inc. - Andover, MA
PerkinElmer US LLC - Shelton, CT
Pfeiffer Vacuum Inc. - Nashua, NH
Physical Electronics USA - Chanhassen, MN
Refeyn Ltd. - Oxford, United Kingdom
Thermo Fisher Scientific - Madison, WI
Vacuum Instruments Corp. - Ronkonkoma, NY
  • mass spectrometer A device used to measure the masses and relative concentrations of atoms and molecules. It utilizes the Lorentz force generated by external magnetic field on a moving charged particle, in which the particles are deflected by the magnetic field...
  • spectrometer A kind of spectrograph in which some form of detector, other than a photographic film, is used to measure the distribution of radiation in a particular wavelength region.
Mass Spectrometers Suppliersmass spectrometermass spectrometerstest and measurement equipmenttestmeasurementequipmentmassspectrometerspectroscopeelectric detectorionicspectroscopytest & measurement

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