Light source developer Lyncean Technologies Inc. has announced a 3× flux increase from the Munich Compact Light Source (MuCLS), a miniaturized synchrotron capable of creating a nearly monochromatic, energy-tunable x-ray beam. The MuCLS, installed on the campus of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) at the Munich School of BioEngineering, within the Center for Advanced Laser Applications, is utilized for groundbreaking biomedical imaging research. "This upgrade to the Lyncean Compact Light Source is the first of many in our development pipeline to be released,” said Michael Feser, CEO of Lyncean Technologies. “Further increases in x-ray flux and the ability to extend the usable energy range from 4 keV up to 100 keV will expand the covered application space and enable researchers to perform even more experiments away from a synchrotron. " "We are very happy with the increase in flux that the upgrade has brought us," said professor Franz Pfeiffer, leader of the MuCLS TUM team. "Our high-resolution and fast imaging applications are especially benefiting from the increased performance. We are looking forward to working with Lyncean to break through the 1011 ph/s flux barrier in the future."