CLEO Heads to the East Coast
CHARLOTTE, N.C., April 29, 2024 — Featuring more than 2000 technical sessions across 29 topic categories, plus plenary sessions, special symposia, and short courses, the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2024 kicks off at the Charlotte Convention Center in North Carolina, May 5-10. Topics to be covered range from breakthrough ideas to real-world applications in quantum photonics, laser-based manufacturing, and fiber optics.
The annual conference highlights the latest applications, market-ready technologies, and cutting-edge research in all areas of lasers and photonics with six days of technical sessions, tutorials, exhibits, special symposia, short courses, plenary sessions, and other special events.

The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2024, is set to be held as an in-person-only event at the Charlotte Convention Center in North Carolina, May 5-10. Courtesy of Optica.
Plenary sessions will feature talks from leading voices including Ray Chen of the University of Texas at Austin, Rebecca Richards-Kortum of Rice University, Jun Ye of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado at Boulder, Gihan Kamel of SESAME and Helwan University, and Kerry Vahala of the California Institute of Technology. Topic highlights include Near- and Mid-IR Integrated Photonics, Quantum Science and Atomic Clocks, and A Revolution in High-Q Integrated Photonics, among others.
This year’s special symposia, which focuses on invited papers in areas deemed to be topical and of special interest to conference attendees, includes topics such as laser-driven nuclear fusion, spectroscopy in biophotonics, and nonlinear terahertz photonics.
Special sessions will include Quantum Sensing & Metrology: Competing Frontiers, and The Paradigm of Metaphotonic Integrated Circuits: Challenges and Prospects. The panels will provide discussions with Optica’s Optical Metrology and Optoelectronics Technical Groups and showcase research on competing technologies used in quantum technology and the integration of integrating metaphotonics into systems.
CLEO will present a global representation of more than 80 participating companies including Coherent, Menlo Systems, IPG Photonics, Thorlabs, Toptica, and many more. The exhibition will feature essential product information and demonstrations to benefit business and research needs. The exhibition hall features a show-floor theater that will host plenary sessions, the Market Focus program, and product demonstrations.