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Spatiospectral Nanoimaging of Surface Phonon Plasmons

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Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Bruker Nano Surfaces

Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in 2D materials enhance light-matter interaction and enable development of super lenses, subwavelength metamaterials, and other photonic devices. In-situ characterization of polaritonic excitations requires a versatile optical imaging and spectroscopy tool with nanometer spatial resolution and wide spectral coverage. The nanoIR3-s Broadband system provides a unique capability for nanoscale imaging and spectroscopy over the whole mid-infrared spectral range.

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laser systemsMaterials & Chemicalsspectroscopy equipmentmaterials researchnanophotonicsspectroscopynanoIRsurface phonon plasmonsSPPs2D materialssurface phonon polaritonsSPhPsnanoscale imagingnanoscale spectroscopybroadband lasersnano-FTIRS-SNOM
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